
We use visual icons as indicators (alternatives for visually impaired included) on this website to assist with navigation and actions.

Functionality icons

We use the following icons to help you use the website functions and explain what action you can take:

When you see this icon it means you can search for information:

 Search Icon

Chevron markers are used across the website to help you navigate through the content:

 Angle Down

When you see this icon is means the link will open in a new browser window.

 External Link

You can use your browser functions to print, save or share a page.

Analytics and Data Review

Over time we will look at how people are using this website and what they are searching for. This will help us to identify where we can add information and services that you need or improve how the information is presented on the website.

Site Development and Maintenance

This website was developed, and is actively maintained by by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Service Level Agreement

The Digital Services Policy- external site requires that the service quality standard (also known as a Service Level Agreement or SLA) for websites must be documented, made publicly available and actively monitored.

Performance against this website's Service Level Agreement will be monitored and reported on by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Digital Services team.

Page reviewed 30 May 2018