Image of Jo Lanagan - Member

Mrs Jo Lanagan - Chair

Jo Lanagan heads up a consultancy providing governance and policy advice, and consulting across industry on engagement with Indigenous groups. In February 2023, Jo left full-time work at Central Desert Native Title Services (CDNTS) where she had held the position of Chief Executive Officer for the preceding 3 years. Jo had worked in various roles at CDNTS for 12 years. She has held senior roles in the State and Commonwealth Governments including Director of Claims Management for the Office of Native Title and Director of Heritage and Culture at the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. She has led negotiations on behalf of both the State and Commonwealth Governments in the Australian Square Kilometre Array Project, leading to the CSIRO build of the largest radio astronomy observatory in the world and Australia hosting international radio astronomy projects. Jo was one of two negotiators on behalf of the State Government to reach a comprehensive native title settlement with the Yawuru people over Broome, resulting in the creation of the conservation estate and marine park. Through her native title work Jo has had the good fortune to visit much of the more remote conservation estate in Western Australia. 

Mark Webb

Mr Mark Webb PSM - Deputy Chair

Mark retired from the Public Service in February 2023. Before this, he was Director General of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, which included being the Chief Executive Officer of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, the Rottnest Island Authority, and the Zoological Parks Authority. Mark has extensive experience in horticultural research, public and private sector management and business, both nationally and internationally. Mark also volunteers in his local community and has a strong interest in social justice.

Image of Tania Donovan - Member

Mrs Tania (Tahn) Donovan - Member

Tania (Tahn) Donovan is a Wadandi Yok woman from Busselton and has experience in Aboriginal affairs in relation to employment, tourism, business development, policy and capacity building across State Government. Tahn is the Community, Corporate and Policy Manager with Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation. She has a wide range of skills and experiences in the environmental, tourism and hospitality, disability employment, farming and transport industries.  

John Keesing

Dr John Keesing - Member

Dr John Keesing is a Senior Principal Research Scientist with the CSIRO and an adjunct Professor with Curtin University. He is Australia’s representative on the UNESCO Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms. As a marine biologist he has carried out research in Australia, New Zealand, China, India and Japan, publishing more than 100 scientific articles. John has led ship-based research voyages surveying the biodiversity in many of the marine parks off the Western Australian coast and in his spare time he enjoys camping and exploring in our national parks. John holds a Bachelor of Applied Science, a PhD in Zoology and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He was previously a Visiting Senior Professor with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is a past President of the Australian Marine Sciences Association. 

Kim Eckert

Ms Kim Eckert OAM - Member

Kim resides in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and is the Chief Executive Officer of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Urban Landcare Group (KBULG), a not-for-profit community organisation in the Goldfields. Kim uses her broad range of skills and experience in conservation and the environment, not-for-profit, disability, tourism, and volunteering sectors to assist community groups in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and sits on many community committees. Kim also sits on the Pastoral Lands Board as the Conservation Interest Member. Appointed as a WA Parks Foundation Ambassador in 2017, Kim is passionate about our State’s conservation areas, educating the community about the local flora (including facilitating Traditional Owners to educate the community about traditional bush food and bush medicine), connecting people to parks and nature, and promoting travel in Western Australia to our most precious and natural areas. Kim holds a qualification in conservation and land management and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. In 2019, Kim was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her significant contributions to the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community. She also sits on the Pastoral Lands Board as the conservation interest member.

Matthew Tonts

Prof. Matthew Tonts - Member

Professor Matthew Tonts holds the position of Provost at Curtin University. Between 2021 and 2024, he was the Chair of the WA Environmental Protection Authority and prior to this held a range of senior leadership positions at The University of Western Australia. Professor Tonts has international academic and policy experience in environmental science, regional development and spatial planning, including work in Australia, North America, Africa and Asia.

Rod Clarke

Mr Rod Clark - Member

Mr Rod Clark has over 40 years’ experience in the Western Australian Public Service, most recently as a Senior Policy Officer for the then Minister for Education and Training; Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council. Prior to this Mr Clark held a Policy Officer position within the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, and a variety of electorate office roles. Before moving to Parliamentary work, Mr Clark taught for 20 years in WA government schools in a range of areas including Primary Education, Special Needs and Indonesian Language in the Pilbara, the South West and Christmas Island. While teaching on Christmas Island, Mr Clark rewrote a natural history book, Christmas Island, Naturally, updating the research in consultation with a team of scientists from National Parks Australia (now Parks Australia).

Page reviewed 21 Aug 2024